If I Am Not My Illness, Who Am I?

I've written about akrasia in the past, that odd behaviour in which we appear to act against our own declared self-interest, for no apparent reason. You know, refusing to go to bed when we are tired, getting into the brownies when we say we want to lose weight ... we've all been there. But what … Continue reading If I Am Not My Illness, Who Am I?

So, What Are You Doing These Days?

People are kind and interested, especially if they haven't seen you for a while. You're sitting at a table at a community dinner, you're chatting away, and at some point, that question comes up. Oy. I come from a family of intellectuals, mostly academics. My maternal grandfather was a university professor. My father and sister … Continue reading So, What Are You Doing These Days?

Grow Pecs, Ditch the Bra? (TMI warning)

I'm going to start this post off with some oversharing - I hate bras and always have. I'm sure many women secretly agree with me. If you are local to me, please don't stare - I follow convention. Sadly. But there may be hope for people like me. I imagine the French scientist who made … Continue reading Grow Pecs, Ditch the Bra? (TMI warning)

A Paleo Passover – and I’m on a Jimmy Moore podcast!!

OK, so Pesach didn't exist in Paleolithic times. Our ancestors were shepherds, with agriculture thrown in once they settled down. But the fact remains, they didn't eat processed food. They baked their own matzah and they didn't attempt to game the system by making fake substitutes for their everyday food. I was hanging out on … Continue reading A Paleo Passover – and I’m on a Jimmy Moore podcast!!

The Evolution of My Virtual Communities

The heart of being a Professional Enabler is to have a community to enable. I've been thinking about how my online community has evolved over the years, as my interests and enthusiasms have waxed and waned. Some people have stuck even though my participation in the community where I met them has become sporadic at … Continue reading The Evolution of My Virtual Communities