Making the Newsletter, and also an eBook

Remember that I was planning to document the creation of an eBook? Well, that project has just got quite a bit more meta. As I create my BlackBox newsletter, I'm documenting the steps and I'm hoping to turn that process into an eBook. It might even be useful for somebody. I think I should clarify … Continue reading Making the Newsletter, and also an eBook

Why I Follow People Like Michael Hyatt (and Not Random Twitter Marketing Dude)

It's funny. Since I've been talking on Twitter with generous people in the online business world, some of the marketing bots out there have noticed me. At least, I think they are bots. If they aren't, they seem to be passing the Turing Test in reverse. Their tweets have links to blog posts all over … Continue reading Why I Follow People Like Michael Hyatt (and Not Random Twitter Marketing Dude)

The Evolution of My Virtual Communities

The heart of being a Professional Enabler is to have a community to enable. I've been thinking about how my online community has evolved over the years, as my interests and enthusiasms have waxed and waned. Some people have stuck even though my participation in the community where I met them has become sporadic at … Continue reading The Evolution of My Virtual Communities

Be Serious or Be Sick

As my faithful readers know, I've been struggling with an auto-immune disease (ulcerative colitis) for many years. After a very serious flareup in 2009, I started following the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, an early version of Paleo. I described my successes and failures almost exactly a year ago, and here I am again, in almost exactly … Continue reading Be Serious or Be Sick