An Anniversary, Unobserved

October 18th would have been my parents' 58th wedding anniversary, had my mother not died on the Ides of March 2003, five months before her 70th birthday and seven months before their 50th anniversary. Hers was a preventable death - nobody with an education and a middle-class income really has to get adult-onset diabetes and … Continue reading An Anniversary, Unobserved

The Perils of False Intimacy

He who guards his mouth and his tongue, Guards his soul from troubles. Proverbs 21:23 I should listen to King Solomon, the wisest of men, more often. I inadvertently rubbed salt into a stranger's wounds today. It's a funny thing about women's locker rooms. I don't know how men's are - I suspect people don't … Continue reading The Perils of False Intimacy