My Three Words for 2014


My Words for 2014

A few years ago, Chris Brogan started a tradition of coming up with three words to focus on for the new year. It’s more helpful than New Year’s resolutions, I think. The idea is to choose words that will cover all parts of your life, such that just thinking about them every day will remind you of your hopes and plans for the new year.

My lovely coach Berni Xiong helped me work through the exercise this year. As you can see, I made myself a nice bright PNG to put on my laptop background and also on my iPhone. Can’t escape!

It’s interesting to see how last year’s words morph into this year’s. That’s another blog post. For now, let me just explain what this year’s words mean.


I feel like a butterfly slowly emerging from its cocoon. I’ve been holding myself back in so many ways, but this is the year I am going to emerge in my full glory. That’s the plan, anyway, but I’m hoping having this word around will help me stay on course.


As you know, if you follow me, I call myself the Queen of Reinvention because I’ve tried different careers and dropped them all (except motherhood). Now I’m working on my online business, BlackBox Cosmetics and writing/blogging, and those are things that have meaning for me (unlike, say, science and teaching, which I found interesting but not particularly meaningful). This word is there to remind me to stick with those things I find meaningful and ditch the rest. That includes getting good food and enough sleep, and spending time with the kiddos.


This is the most important word of all. I have to have faith in the Abundance of the Universe. It is never too late and a missed chance simply means that another one is coming down the pike. OK, it’s probably too late for me to become an Olympic gymnast. But it’s not too late for me to support my family, find meaning and make the world a better place while I’m doing all of that.

How about you, what are your words for 2014? Jump into the comments and let me know!


3 thoughts on “My Three Words for 2014

  1. Asdis says:

    You hit the nail on the head. It is a big part of my empowerment to see this through, finish what I started, sort of.. In order to properly move on, I need those papers signed and confirmed by the authorities. Divorce, in this case, is not even a negative word in my eyes, because it is what I want and need to be able to love my life fully.

  2. Asdis says:

    Interesting. I don’t remember seeing the Three Words excercise before.

    I think my three words for 2014 are:
    Divorce (on February 14, G-d willing)
    Enjoy (Spend more time with a smile on my face and love my life – I’ve been doing it for a few months now and I want to make it a permanent lifestyle choice)
    Empowerment (I can do this – especially financially!)

    • Hadass Eviatar says:

      I love “Enjoy” and “Empowerment”! Not so sure about “Divorce” … although maybe it’s part of your empowerment to take your distance and separate from the past.

      It’s going to be an exciting year!!

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