30 Day Challenge: I Survived the Cleanse Day!



I did it! I survived an entire day on very little more than Cleanse for Life, water and chocolate. I was not particularly hungry. I even went for an hour-long walk!

For anyone who is suspicious of this cleanse as being a diuretic, a laxative or worse, I can report that I am not the least bit dehydrated. Probably because, following instructions, I’ve been drinking water like nobody’s business. As to laxatives, well, if you are a regular reader of this blog you know that laxatives would probably put me in the hospital.

Since I’m only using the Kosher Products Pak, I don’t have the accelerants, snacks, tonic, etc. But I’m still feeling pretty damned amazing. I did support my fat and protein needs by having a little sauteed fish and bok choy for dinner, rather than just Cleanse for Life. I’m not sure I needed it, but I felt I should. Maybe next week I’ll do without it and see how I feel.

So now it’s back to the shake days for the next week. I don’t have a lot of weight to lose (although the fat that I have is pretty visceral, so I’ll be glad to see it go), so I’m not going to do the back-to-back cleanse days. I don’t believe in calorie restriction anyway. I do like the way my bowels feel when they haven’t had to digest anything, I must say.

I’m going to spend the next couple of days experimenting with ways to make the shake for Shabbat. I’m obviously not going to do a cleanse day then, that would be entirely against the spirit of Shabbat! But I can’t use the blender, and in fact the whole issue of mixing up a powder is iffy on Shabbat. But I’ve been doing some research, and I think that if I mix it up by hand in a different container from what I use on Shabbat, rather than in the blender, and make sure it is really runny, then it should be OK.

Onwards and upwards, friends. If you are curious about this stuff, have a look at my Isagenix page. Let me know what you think!


2 thoughts on “30 Day Challenge: I Survived the Cleanse Day!

  1. alana says:


    I just started the 30 day program as well ( on the 16th). My suggestion for shabbat-> freeze your shakes over night. That way on the day of you can either take it out and let it melt down to the consistency you like or eat it like ice cream. Trust me…both ways taste great.

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